//deck-60 11 Care of Magical Creatures (aah) 9 Transfiguration (aah) 1 Madam Pomfrey (aah) 2 Into the Forbidden Forest (qc) 2 Hagrid Needs Help (qc) 1 Giant Tarantula (bs) 4 Baby Dragon (bs) 2 Trevor (qc) 2 Hermes (poa) 4 Sandstone Gargoyle (aah) 4 Baby Acromantula (hos) 4 Black Bat (aah) 2 Forest Spider (hos) 2 Rat Tonic (poa) 4 Picking on Neville (da) 4 Steelclaw (bs) 1 Dobby's Disappearance (cos) 1 Desk Into Pig (qc) //sideboard-10 2 Essential Knowledge Test (hos) 2 Streeler (qc) 2 Hiding From Snape (bs) 2 Through the Arch (da) 2 In the Stands (qc)